So my mom's bestie called me and asked could I bring my nail stuff because her mom wanted her nails done. Since Im not one to turn done making a lil extra money I obliged and packed *more like tossed* damn near all my polished and manicure kit into my pink argyle Dickies tote. DAMN I never realized how heavy or how huge my collection had gotten. I usually put everything in a rollaway bookbag. Anyways to make a long story short I went to do one persons nails and everyone ended up with polished pretties all abeit my lil wuvmuffin *bka my not so lil baby brother*. Thankfully I only did 2 manis not including Bri. Everybody else took turns polishing each others nails. And yours truly got someone else to do my nails for a How nice I miss being able to relax while someone else polishes my pretties. Thanks Mz Chilous. And finaallly on to the pictures.
This is 2 coats of Sinful Colors
Call Me Later. The ring finger mattified with E.L.F. Matte finisher.Unfortunateky I wasnt able to really capture the blingtasticness on my camera. Its green round glitter with gold microglitter. In the pictures my nails look yellow but thats just the glitter. Im gonna have hell removing this glitter bomb.

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