So I figured since February is my birth month, amethyst is my birthstone and coincidentally purple is also my fave color. I thought I would feature only violet manis all month long. I had planned to have a birthday giveaway but I'm broker than broke right now. So God willin I will have some goodies to giveaway next month.
Now on to the good stuff. Today's base mani is Violetta from the Avon mattes collection.
By itself its a really pretty purple pleather quality about it. Once again I decided I wanted to do some nail art only free-hand this time. Don't fret today's nail art totally makes up for last night's nail art disaster.
So the polishes used for the designs are CC Resort to Red, CC Covered in Diamonds, Orly Glitz & Glamour, Finger Paints Mulberry Madness, white pumpkin polish, and a black nail art pen. So I hope you guys enjoyed the first edition of Valentine's Violets. I plan to have another one up by Sunday or Monday. Now I'm off to paint my other hand violet as well though it wont have any nail art.
Until next time Stay Polished
Mz Erika

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